One of the best aspects of riding trials is absolutely the trials community. There is really nothing like it. There is a shared bond among trials riders worldwide.

Local Groups / Group Rides / Meetups

Depending on where you live, you may be lucky enough to have local trials riders. A number of locales have regular weekly group rides. While every group has it’s own unique vibe, in general the groups I’ve seen and ridden with tend to be very welcoming and encouraging. Riding with a group provides motivation, inspiration, opportunities to get some tips and coaching, and of course time spent hanging out with others who share a common interest. Even if there’s only one other local rider, having the opportunity to ride with others definitely adds to the experience and helps you progress.

While some group rides are held regularly, others are isolated events. These meetups can be one-off rides, or they can be associated with other events – after a trials competition, for example.

Depending on where you live, you might need to have patience in finding other local trials riders. It took several months before I found anyone local. Since then, we’ve been able to expand our group as other riders joined the crew. It could take some time, but it’s definitely worth it.

Of course if there are local riders but no organized group rides, consider starting one yourself. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to start it.

Online Trials Communities

Whether you’re a seasoned trials rider or just getting started, there are a number of online bike trials communities that might interest you. This can be a great source of information and support, particularly if you’re new to trials and/or don’t have any local trials riders.

Trials Competitions

Competitions are a great opportunity to test your skill and meet other trials riders. Competitions include sections for different skill levels from beginner to elite, and can also include special categories such as for mountain bikes. Regardless of your skill level or the type of bike you have, you should consider entering a trials competition. While earning a spot on the podium is great, to me it’s more about the experience and the opportunity to meet, hang out, and ride with other trials bikers.

Some countries and local regions have more opportunities to participate in trials competitions than others. For example, parts of Europe such as Spain and the UK have a number of competitions throughout each season, while here in the US, there are fewer competitions that are spread out over a wide geographic area. If you’re fortunate enough to have a local competition, that certainly makes life easier, but even driving to a competition can be an adventure. For bigger events, such as the North American Trials Championship, you might even consider flying.

Here on this site, we host an events calendar to list trials competitions and other events primarily in North America. You can also try looking on the FXN Global app.

The videos below provide some perspectives on why you might consider attending a comp, as well as some examples of what trials sections can look like.

So… what if there are no local trials competitions? Well, you can always consider hosting one yourself! It’s probably easier than you might think. In a nutshell, you need a location, event insurance, and a little bit of marketing to get the word out. If you’ve never hosted an event before, you’ll also need some basic guidance on setting up the sections and the scoring rules. We’ve developed a guide to help you get started, particularly if you’ve never hosted (or participated in) a trials competition. Don’t let that stop you!