Interview With Ian Farrar
Ian Farrar has been riding trials with his father and brother for most of his life. He took 3rd place in the elite class at the 2023 NA Trials Championship.
Ian Farrar has been riding trials with his father and brother for most of his life. He took 3rd place in the elite class at the 2023 NA Trials Championship.
Inspired by YouTube bikers like Seth’s Bike Hacks and Fabio Wibmer, Toby began riding both MTB and trials about 2.5 years ago (2021). He’s crushing it on both.
Using the main posts from my son’s old playscape and some other scraps of wood, I built a set of skinny beams, that I just needed to ride.
Nearly 60, Tony Delima is a skilled trials rider. By hosting comps and organizing group rides, he’s built a local community of riders in Southeastern, CT.
I tried riding on this stone wall a couple years ago and had a hard fall. This time I took a different angle, choosing to go up and over versus rear wheel hops.
Jen is an avid cyclist who exudes an infectious enthusiasm for the sport and the community, which is just fun to be around (and part of what’s so inspiring).
Small rocks, particularly ones with varied surfaces, provide great low-consequence bike control practice. They provide a great challenge for rear wheel moves.
Sean Farrar earned the title of North American Trials champion at the elite level in 2023. He hails from a family of trials riders.
This one location in the woods has so many trials line opportunities! Even old lines were made new with the addition of a fallen tree.
Todd started riding trials during the COVID-19 lockdown, and has not turned back since then. It’s been fun watching his riding progress.