Man wearing a shirt that says VOLUNTEER
Photo by RDNE Stock project in Pexels

Hi everyone, a while back I mentioned that I’m interested in expanding the capabilities and offerings of This Is Bike Trials! and that I’d need some help. I threw that out there, but didn’t actually get myself organized to do anything about it. Well, that’s changing.

I’d like to try something new. Call it an experiment for now. I’d like to build a team of volunteers who can commit to contributing consistently to the growth of This Is Bike Trials! in order to serve the trials community better. I have a vision to offer more content and more value to you all, but I just don’t have the capacity to do it all by myself. And I can’t afford to hire anyone.

In order to accomplish this vision, I’m looking to start with a few qualified individuals who are passionate about bike trials and the trials community – who are willing to offer their time and talent to build and sustain something bigger and better collectively than any one of us could do independently. If the experiment is successful, we’ll build it bigger together. While this project is my “baby”, I also see it as a resource for the entire trials community, but I can’t achieve my grand vision alone.

In order to (hopefully!) kick start the endeavor, I’ve created a summary page that defines the overall opportunity, as well as a set of “job” descriptions for each of the individual roles that need to be fulfilled to get this party started. There’s also an online form to easily apply for up to three volunteer positions (link at the bottom of the summary page).

We don’t need world-class experts (though that would be awesome!), but we do need volunteers who are passionate about our vision, who will take initiative, who can work independently as well as collaboratively in a team, and who are willing to learn and grow. Honestly, while I definitely want your help, I also want you to benefit from the opportunity as well, both personally and professionally as applicable (i.e., it’s a 2-way street!).

Please take some time to read about the volunteer opportunities. If any of these opportunities resonate with you, you’re willing to commit to consistent weekly effort, and you believe you have the skills to get started, please apply. If you’re interested but uncertain, please reach out and we can discuss your concerns. If you know someone who would be a good fit, please share the opportunity with them.

Let’s do this!


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