Use this form to apply for a volunteer position at This Is Bike Trials! For more details about the overall organization, the work environment, etc. please visit the volunteer landing page.

Please enter the best phone number at which to reach you.
Please provide your age (in years) as of the date of this application. Volunteers under 18 years of age will require parental consent.
If you are under 18 years of age, please also provide the email address of your parent or guardian.
You may select a maximum of three positions per application.
Please briefly explain why you want to volunteer and what aspects of our mission and brand resonate with you the most.
Please briefly and concisely discuss your qualifications, skills, experience, etc. that demonstrate your ability to be successful in the selected position(s). Please specifically address the responsibilities/duties, qualifications, and competencies for the selected position(s).
If you have examples of your work online that demonstrate your capabilities, please provide the web addresses (URLs) here with a concise description corresponding to each one.
Please list any of your social media accounts that you believe are applicable to the selected position(s) – particularly those related to bike trials. (EXAMPLE: Instagram=@thisisbiketrials; X=@itsbiketrials, etc.)
Note: This is generalized for a typical week. We understand that in some weeks you will be unavailable (e.g., vacation).
Please provide any additional information or discussion that you believe is applicable for the selected position(s).