Dad teaching son how to ride a bike
Photo by Yan Krukau

This is not about trials, but it’s definitely about bikes… and a creative passion for helping people. Several weeks ago I somehow came across a story about a 19-year old young lady who had recently held a fundraiser to buy bicycles for less fortunate children at Christmastime. I loved everything about what I heard!

Now nineteen, “Hurricane Jayne” Whitman developed a unique and creative approach to raising funds to purchase bikes when she was only nine years old: she holds an annual ice cream sale. As a kid, Jayne spent many a day riding bikes with her friends; for the past decade, she has provided children the opportunity to experience the same joy we all feel while riding bikes. An experience they may never have had otherwise. I find this incredibly inspiring – I’m definitely going to have to keep an eye out for next year’s event!

To follow the journey, check out Jayne’s Facebook page and follow her on Instagram. So cool!


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