Jim demonstrates his two-wheel hopping abilities while traversing a line of rocks

On a hot summer day back in August 2022, our trials crew decided to ride Colonel Ledyard Park – a location that offers both sunshine and shade, but is also less likely to have swarms of pesky mosquitos. Despite the heat, we had a decent turnout.

Last year I was battling an arm injury for the start of the season. At this point I was able to ride again, so I was stoked to be back on the bike. One of the things I’ve noticed is that following injuries where I’ve been off the bike for a while, I’m a little rusty when I start riding again, but at the same time, I’m also doing bigger moves and demonstrating more confidence and skill. Not at all what I would have expected!

As you can see in the video, there is picnic table that has been at the park for several years in the same spot. Each year it’s more and more rickety. Last summer, it was literally on its last legs, but Scott still seemed drawn to it. It was pretty sketchy.

Some trials videos you can watch without sound. Others – like this one – are much better with the sound on. The commentary from the crew is often pretty comical.

Group Ride Highlights
Group Ride B-Roll


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