Mike drops from a wiggly rock

Mike Steidley joined us for this week’s group ride, after having been off the bike since our November 2022 trials competition where he broke one of his fingers. This week his bike tried to kill him when the handlebars rolled as he tried to do a hook. Pretty freaky, as you can see in the video. Fortunately he wasn’t injured and there were no additional incidents after a bit of mechanical adjustment.

I hadn’t been to this location for nearly a year. The last time I was here, I was still taking it easy due to an arm injury. Now that’s pretty much healed, so I was finally able to ride “for real”. This is a fun spot, with a number of different locations and various types of obstacles, including plenty of rocks. We only sessioned a couple of the riding spots this week.

After an extended warm-up in the parking lot, we ventured up a trail adjacent to a cove; a location with a stunning, scenic view. We messed around a little bit along the steep trail before reaching the initial destination, where we rode for most of the afternoon. When we realized that we had less than 20 minutes remaining before sunset, we cruised down to the rocks by the water at the end of the road.

The sun quickly slipped below the horizon, so there wasn’t much chance to try more than a handful of lines before the light faded appreciably. Then again, we were all pretty tired at that point, so it was probably a good thing to quit while we were ahead. I’m looking forward to coming back here again to ride more of the features.

Categories: Videos


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