Man on a competition trials bike (Alex Chiao) balances on his rear wheel on a tree stump, preparing to gap to another stump while two other men watch (Matt Meyer and Aaron Lutze).
Matt Meyer (left) and Aaron Lutze, a.k.a., “Super Rider” (right) watch Alex Chiao prepare for a gap in one of the expert sections during the 2022 North American Trials Championship

Despite being unable to compete in the North American Trials Championship at this year’s Bentonville Bike Fest due to an arm injury, I finally decided to travel out to Bentonville, AR anyway to vlog the event – primarily the trials riding. I have already created several videos, including a handful of shorts, and still expect to post a few more. Below are a selection of my video coverage of the event.

Overview of the Bentonville Bike Fest (Trials Rider’s Perspective)

If you’ve never been to the Bentonville Bike Fest, you might be wondering what it’s like. This video gives a brief overview of the 2022 Bike Fest from a trials rider’s perspective. Note that in addition to the trials events, there were plenty of other bike events and mountain biking, but I didn’t cover any of that since my focus was on trials. Special thanks to Aaron Lutze (Super Rider) for some of the clips used in this video!

North American Trials Championship

Again in 2022, the North American Trials Championship was held at the Bentonville Bike Fest on Saturday, June 18, 2022. This video contains highlights from the NATC portion of the event. The UCI elite men also competed the following day (see below). Special thanks to Aaron Lutze (Super Rider) for some of the clips used in this video!

UCI Trials Elite Men’s Competition

Here are the highlights from the UCI trials elite men’s competition at the 2022 Bentonville Bike Fest. This includes both the qualification round and the finals, which were both held on Sunday, June 19, 2022.

Other Fun Trials Videos

The UCI trials riders mixed with the North American riders throughout the day on Friday, practicing for Saturday’s competition. Here are a few UCI rider highlights during practice.

I’ve also posted a number of YouTube Shorts, which are available in my YouTube Shorts playlist.


Experimenting With Crowdfunding - This Is Bike Trials! · September 22, 2023 at 6:11 pm

[…] however, was my decision in 2022 to travel to trials competitions in West Virginia and then Arkansas for the sole purpose of creating videos (I was injured and could not compete), with the expected […]

Interview With Fefo (Freddy) Astrada - This Is Bike Trials! · October 15, 2023 at 2:29 pm

[…] first contact with Freddy was on the Facebook group, but I finally got to meet him in person at the 2022 Bentonville Bike Fest where we shared an AirBnB with some other trials […]

Interview With Nathaniel Moore - This Is Bike Trials! · November 10, 2023 at 12:02 am

[…] first met Nathaniel during the 2022 Bentonville Bike Fest, when he came over to our AirBnB to bleed his brakes. When he arrived with his yellow Inspired […]

Interview With Ryan Bratton - This Is Bike Trials! · July 26, 2024 at 12:02 am

[…] met Ryan Bratton at the 2022 North American Trials Championship (NATC) during the Bentonville Bike Fest. Watching him riding the expert sections of the course on a mountain bike blew my mind! Sure […]

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