Jim rolls up onto a slippery rock

This week’s group ride started on Tuesday with a break on Wednesday and finished on Thursday. Due to weather, work, injuries, and other logistical challenges, Jim and Scott were the only riders that showed up with their bikes on both days. Tuesday was absolutely beautiful, sunny, warm, and clear. Thursday was a completely different story with fog and rain all morning, but clearing somewhat to offer a windy, overcast afternoon. While the rain held off during the ride, the rocks (and everything else) were still pretty slippery.

Despite the meager turnout, we had a good time both days. Tony even showed up Thursday (with his rake, but no bike) to hang out with us so that he and I could cheer and jeer while Jim and Scott threw themselves at a variety of obstacles. Being on the trials bike is certainly my preference versus being sidelined with an injury, but the camaraderie we enjoy during the group rides really is the secret ingredient.


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