Tony rides his trials bike down a skinny log
Tony starting the session off with a clean skinny

Last week yet another injury began plaguing me, so I’m sidelined from riding indefinitely until I can get a diagnosis… and get healed up. It seems I have tendonitis in my left arm – that or some other acute soft tissue injury that causes loss of strength and extreme pain. I can’t ride my bike, but I can still film and edit videos, so that’s what I’ll be doing for the foreseeable future.

The group ride this week was at ‘Forte Trials Park’ – the small yet growing trials setup Tony started building at his carbon fiber products business (if you have a need for carbon fiber products, check them out). We had a pretty small group this week with only 3 riders, but that didn’t put a damper on the typical weekly shenanigans. The trials park is fairly modest, yet there are still quite a few possibilities as the crew demonstrate here.

In addition to the riding, I tried to capture a bit more of the joking around that is typical of our weekly rides. We also had some pretty good outtakes that I assembled at the end of the video.

Despite being unable to ride and having my feet just about freeze solid, I had a fun time filming the ride and hanging out with the crew. It’s always a good time – one of the highlights of every week.


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