Preparing to drop gap from one rock to another on my trials bike
This looks a lot smaller than it actually was. It’s one of my higher drops… actually a drop gap onto another rock. Despite knowing I could easily do this, it was still quite intimidating.

For Thanksgiving week, we changed things up a little bit, traveling a bit farther than we normally do for our weekly group ride. We met up at the Rhode Island (moto) Trials Club in Exeter Rhode Island – the same location as the 2019 North American Trials Championship competition, as well as our informal “Turkey Shoot” competition last November. This spot has endless rocks and lines. We barely scratched the surface this week, even though we started a couple hours earlier than normal.

Other than a really nasty loop-out crash that dropped my on my back really hard, I rode pretty well during this session. We also had another rider join us that I had never met – and he’s a damn good rider, which is always fun to watch. He also likes to provide coaching, which is always welcome – I need all the help I can get!

While I miraculously escaped harm during my aforementioned brutally hard crash landing, I do have a new injury that I expect will sideline me for several weeks… or maybe months. I haven’t yet gotten a medical opinion, but it seems like I might have a fairly rapid onset of tendinitis in my left arm now. It seems like it was only at the beginning of this season that my right arm finally recovered from tendinitis – after over a year of physical therapy and at-home stretches and exercises. The right arm injury took several months to gradually manifest; this time with the left arm it went from a vague possibility beginning a couple weeks ago to excruciating pain and inability to ride by the end of this week’s session. This is beyond frustrating to say the least. Nothing sucks more than being unable to ride.


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