On the rear wheel of my trials bike, balanced on one rock, preparing to hop to the next rock
This is one of the lines that’s harder than it looks. I’ve struggled to ‘clean’ this part of the line for a couple years.

With winter fast approaching and diminishing daylight, the weekly rides are getting shorter. Wednesday afternoons have also been competing with work, family, and university schedules, so our recent gatherings have had fewer riders. Regardless, it’s always a good time.

This week’s ride at Haley farm focused on several lines across on a handful of features. Most of our lines this week focused on basic skills, vs. big ups or drops. One way to make these type sessions even more fun is to play the ground (or in this case, the leaves) is lava. If your tire goes fully onto the ground (leaves), you “burned up”. If you just touch the edge of the ground or do it momentarily, you get “singed”… often followed by the onlookers saying “tsssss!” This led to a rather humorous response for one rider in this edit…

As you can see in this edit, we rode past sunset, trying to eke out every last moment of light to get in as much riding as possible. Winter is coming.


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