Rear wheel dropping off the end of a log with the sun behind me
Sometimes the lighting creates some pretty cool shots. I love the lighting effect with the sun behind me.

Despite feeling terrible Monday morning, I really wanted to do some trials riding, and had been itching to go back to ride at Nichols Field. In addition to the rocks and other fun trials riding features, Nichols Field has baseball/soccer fields, a basketball court, hiking trails, a small playground, a gazebo, and a disc golf course. Of course I mainly care about the rocks. Lately every time I’ve wanted to go there, a kids’ sports event is happening. I’d rather not be a huge distraction to the kids while they’re playing soccer or whatever.

I don’t know if I’ve been fighting some sort of bug or what, but I felt tired, out of breath, weak and shaky Monday morning. You know, the perfect recipe for hopping bikes all over rocks and stuff. Anyway, I pushed through it the best I could, but tried to avoid doing any big moves.

It ended up being a decent two hour ride on a perfect, gorgeous fall day. I sessioned a few features before having to pick up my son from school – I took the day off from work, and he had a half day, so it worked out perfectly!


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