Due to some logistical challenges, this year’s trials biking competition almost had a last minute change of venue. Thankfully, the Town of Ledyard Conservation Commission voted in favor of allowing us to host the event at Glacial Park – one of the best trials riding locations around here.
In a nutshell, there are 4 classes of riders based on skill level: novice, sport, expert, and pro. Each class rides 4 sections of their course 3 times. Each section has 6 gates (marked with tape), each worth 10 points. Both axles need to travel completely through each gate to earn points. Every time a rider puts a foot down (a.k.a., a ‘dab’) or leans on something with their body or part of the bike other than the wheels, they lose a point. After 5 dabs in a section, you’re done with that section.
We had a pretty good turnout of riders from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. I wasn’t able to capture all the riders in the video; it’s mostly the ‘sport’ (a.k.a., intermediate) class – primarily the pack I rode with – and some of the ‘expert’ class. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any video of the ‘novice’ and ‘pro’ riders.
As usual, the competition was a blast. We also tried something new this year after the competition: a relay race with 2 teams of 4 riders. That was hilarious! Highlights from the relay race shenanigans are included in the video.
In addition to the competition itself, I tried to capture the overall experience of a trials biking competition, including course setup, the riders’ meeting, the awards, and the social comradery.
In addition to my edit, Peter Gengler produced a fantastic short video that really captures the essence of the event.
Rocktober.mp4 from Peter Gengler on Vimeo.
By the way, if you like the colorful shirt I’m wearing in the videos, it’s based on one of my wife’s paintings. There is also a monochrome (blue) version.